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Hi ,

First i installed k2.net2003 with sp4 .Two days back i installed Blackpearl inthe same server.In the BlackPearl i found only K2[BlackPearl] Confugaration manager,server,workspace.I dont know is there studio for BlackPearl like studio.

One more thing after installing blackpearl iam not able to open work space.When iam trying to open workspace iam getting the following messege there.

Please help me on this issue.




System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: An anonymous identity cannot perform an impersonation. at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate() at WorkSpaceService.FilterService.CreateSession(String ServerName, String Connstr) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---





Server Name:
Windows Authentication

User Name:






Hi Sureshr,

 To answer your first question there is not currently a stand alone K2 designer like there was for 2003 however it is on its way.  There are three ways to develop K2 processes currently for blackpearl.  There is a designer within SharePoint, an addin for Visio and a project type install for Visual Studio 2005.  The latter is the main development environment because it allows you to go down to the code level like you could with 2003 Studio.

 For the workspace issue make sure that anonymous access is turned off for the web site.  you can access this by right clicking on the site in IIS selecting properties and going to the Directory Security Tab.  You only want to have Integrated Authentication checked.

 I hope this helps.


Hi Eric,

Thanks for infromation.Now i got an idea on BlackPearl.As per my requirement i think it is better to install Visual studio 2005 designer.






