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In 2003 Sp1 multiple domains are supported. How do you configure Studio to support a multi-domain environment in the Destination Rule.

Step1:The first time Studio starts and a Destination Rule is specified after an SP1 install, it will automatically determine the current domain context in which it is started and create an entry in the K2Studio.Config file which should look like this(depends on the environment):

<DataSource Path="LDAP://DC=Domain,DC=com" NetBiosName="MyNetBiosName" />

To add a new datasource, copy the above datasource node and paste it below the first one(As shown below).

<DataSource Path="LDAP://DC=Domain,DC=com" NetBiosName="MyNetBiosName" />
<DataSource Path="LDAP://DC=Domain1,DC=com" NetBiosName="MyNetBiosName1" />

Make the necessary changes to the Path and NetBiosName attributes.
Close and save the K2Studio.Config file.

Step3:Close and Reopen Studio. You should now be able to contact multiple domains according to the updated information in the Studio.Config file.
If you encounter an error like "Object reference not set to an instance of an object", add Type="ActiveDirectory" to your DataSource line like this:

<DataSource Path="LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com" NetBiosName="netbiosname1" Type="ActiveDirectory" />

I am not able to specify the Destination Rules throught K2.NET Studio

I made the following changes in K2Studio.config file
<DataSource Path="ldap://dc=ds1,dc=ml,dc=com" Type="ActiveDirectory" />

What is the purpose of NetBiosName atribute ?

<DataSourcePath> path . I tried connecting with & withtout this attrrbute failed it throws an excpetion.

When i installed it was like this
<DataSource Path="DEFAULT" Type="ActiveDirectory" />

That s why I changed it to but it throws the different exception as shown below. Note that the domain where K2.NET Server is installed is different from the one i have installed K2.NET Studio. Is it the problem ? What is the fix ?
Try making the "ldap" uppercase to "LDAP". The LDAP provider wants LDAP to be uppercase otherwise it will not resolve the path.
