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Hi All,

I am stuck. This is a very simple query.

With reference to the  class "ProcessSet" of K2Mng namespace , what is the use of the following properties :

1>int ProcID

2>int ProcSetID.

I am unable to get the difference between the two.

Please reply ASAP.

Thanks in Advence.


ProcID and ProcSetID referes to the [id] of a row in the _Proc and _ProcSet tables in the K2 database.

When you export a process for the 1st time a new row is created in the _ProcSet table and the _Proc table. Subsequent exports will create a new version of the Process definition in the _Proc table but there will always only be 1 entry in the _ProcSet table. So, there is a 1 to many relationship between ProcSet and Proc.


Check your language / collation settings on the database.

We found a case where how SQL Server 2005 handles SQL statements involving the _ProcSet table appeas to be inconsistent (_ProcSet / _procset / _Procset / _procSet).

Current thinking is that it may be a SQL 2005 bug unrelated to K2 functionality since you can run various SQL statements using the various table name styles and get differing results.  

