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Hi, I encountered some problem while testing the K2 Mobile task List. I already tried the necessary configuration for K2 Services of Mobile task List and other set up needed, but I still encounter those error while syncing the Iphone application to K2 Server.

here's some error that appeared on IPhone.

- Web service cannot be found

- unknown error

- Connection timeout error



And I would like to share my colleague's question.



Based on my understanding upon
reading the articles in the K2 help site, for the K2 task list mobile
application to work (the one downloaded in itunes for iphone), K2 services are
needed to be exposed. I can surf the web using safari and view the published
site and even the services (SyncREST,WS,etc) there and It returns the xml
output. The only thing that has problem is NOT the mobile view but the mobile
application (k2 task list) itself on the iphone, the one that was downloaded in
Itunes. I want help on the exposure of the services. It was on the port 81
default site upon installation of the upgrade (KB001370). I can even see our
site eventhough it is not published externally since I am inside the network
when I use safari but the task service sync error occurs when I use the iphone
app. I think that the problem is because the iphone app can’t consume the web
service of K2 because it cannot see it. I already checked the web.config
modification for SyncREST.svc for Non-SSL sites that’s why we can view the site
over the browser whether it’s on the PC or in the mobile. I can query for tasks
assigned to a specific user. 


Now, these are my questions:


Is it a need to
publish the port 81 where the K2 services resides? Or just the site that we use
in the internal server (e.g.

Does it follow that
If I can access the site and services of K2 inside my network (internally), it
will also be viewed in the mobile application? Or just in the mobile browser?

I’m thinking that
there is a difference on how services are consumed on web browsers and on
applications. Am I right? If yes, what could have been the problem since it’s
working in the safari browser?

If SyncREST.svc
returns xml output, and the data is correct, on the PC and mobile browsers
(safari) and is Non-SSL, does it mean it was modified correctly? Why is that it
is not working on my iphone application? It doesn’t say there in the K2 help
site that we need to use SSL for this.

Consider this scenario.
I am just testing the downloaded mobile application (k2 task list) on my
iphone, I can access the site internally since I’m connected on the same
network as the K2 server. Do I still need to publish externally the site for
the iphone app or since it can be viewed on the browser it’s just fine.







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