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K2 Mobile App no open in Samsung and android devices, show error username or password incorrect.
on apple devices working OK.



issue fixed after k2 mobile update on the 8th of dec


The respected customer asked this ticket to be closed after the latest k2 mobile update on 8th december




We are using IOS version of the app and are able to open the app, but we are getting the message Incorrect Username or Password at the top of the tasklist.


Anyone else seen this?

We are also getting the same message  Incorrect Username or Password.


Thanks Venketesh



In my case, random users were experiencing lockouts which (after searching through the AD logs) were being caused by K2.


A quick check on the server indicated that some AppPools were running under the K2 Administrator account which was disabled by policy.

I managed to resolve my issue by switching the services to run under the correct service account.


The randomness of the lockouts may have been related to the identity cache trying to refresh from AD for users that needed to refresh their credentials. The K2 account was getting refused by AD and failing which was triggering an account lock out for Bad Password (seen from server logs).



If this sounds like your issue, go into your K2 server and check which accounts are running your K2 App Pools.


Check in Active Directory that all of the service accounts are acitve and have not expired, if so renew the account(s) in AD.


This fixed my issue.




