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I have Appit working in a partner’s O365 tenant. All is fine except when I try to use the K2 Mobile apps to interact with tasks where I’m having challenges authenticating after consenting. I have tried this on both iOS and Android. Both are failing in a similar manner. In both iOS/Android I do the following:

1. Open K2 Mobile App
2. Add my credentials for this O365 username and password and the URL to K2 server
3. I get redirected to consent page
4. I log in on the consent page and successfully consent
5. I get redirected back to K2 mobile app
- in iOS app i get a message stating "Could not Authenticate"
- in Android app I get a message stating "OAuth: Authentication Failed


This is a known issue due to changes with Microsoft/O365. Microsoft recently changed the claims identity that is returned when authenticating with O365. One of the claims that the K2WebApi checks have been removed and thus authentication fails.


This will be addressed when Appit 1.2 Update 6 ships. The release will specifically contain the fix for this WebAPI login issue.

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