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An Error is occuring like "could not find mobile services" while loging in k2 mobile app and in k2 tasklist its displaying "No address associated with host name". Please do help me to resolve this issue     

Hi i have seen a similar issue previously and it was an IIS binging configuration issue.


Please try the following.


On the denallix environment this happens because the port 80 binding is configured to route to the Default Website in IIS and not to the K2 website which contains the Mobile services. What this means is that when the user tries to log in on http then he will not succeed because the request is routed to the Default Website.


So in summary, no configuration changes needs to be made to the K2Api. In IIS please check and make sure that the bindings is set up to route requests on https with ip to the K2 website.


Please also check the below link for more information:
