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Question 1:
We have migrated recently to SharePoint 2013 (from MOSS2007). I want to create my smart objects from one of the SharePoint document libraries, but when going to the SharePoint Site Contents page - click on the K2 Appit for SharePoint app - on the settings page..... the K2 management option is not visible. What may be the problem?? (see screenshot)

Question 2:
One of our K2 projects that is in production is using MOSS2007 smart objects. How do I migrate these smart objects from MOSS2007 to SPS2013 without breaking anything in the application? Or do I need to start from scratch?



Answers To Questions:


1) K2 Appit is not is new product and is only released in the US. It uses SharePoint online. Please do not use this. (Or are you one of the testing participants?)

• To create SmartObject on SharePoint 2013 you first need to install the K2 for SharePoint App (this creates the service instance) on the site and then on the list or lib ribbon click on the K2 “Application” icon, you will then have the option to create SmartObject, workflow, reports etc.

2) They are two completely different technologies. They use different service object.

• I recommended you contact K2 service if you want to migrate SO’s.
You can back up the old SO’s (take note of the GUID’s) Create new SO’s in SP2013 and then edit the SO to use the old GUID. This will only work if the SO is exactly the dame (properties) as the old one.

• I would recommend however that you create new SO and then redeploy the processes to use the new SO’s

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