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I'm learning K2 by following the K2 learning modules. In excersize 1 of module 100.DND is should Download and deploy the workflow package from:


When trying to deploy this package in the K2 Package and Deployment Tool an error occurs:


K2 Package and Deployment does not support this version of the package. Update th solution file and redeploy.


Does someone know a newer demo package to download or maybe another solution so I can resume the lessons.


Thanks in advance!

Hi Brat,


There is version difference between your environment and the environment on which the package is might have latest K2 P&D tool and the sample package is created on older version. To resume your learning i will suggest create a new package from your environment using P&D tool and try to deploy it. Check the attached file. that might help you






Thanks for the reply Hemant. That is one solutions indeed, but the excersizes require the demo packages. 


I skipped 100.DND and continued with 100.EDI. But for these excersize I supposed to download another demo package and deploy this one.


But I discovered that the blackpearl version is only 4.6.7. So probably it's the other way around. The demo versions are newer.


Okay, for the K2 Learning I donwloaded the K2 Core 6.1.1 VM from, while exists.

Within this VM a newer version of K2 is available.
