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Hi, After the installation of Blackpearl and K2 for SharePoint. I am facing the issue realted to the URL. after putting the K2 server URL in K2 for SharePoint registration wizard and then select the next option browser opens the window but the window is coming blank.(K2 for SharePoint wizard is validating the K2 server URL but then nothing happens) Current server configuration: SharePoint On-Premise SharePoint and K2 on the same machine box. SQL server on another server all configuration goes green from K2 end. URL: https://sp2013sw103/Identity/sts/Windows/wsfed?wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=https%3a%2f%2fsp2013sw103%2fRuntime%2f&wctx=rm%3d1%26id%3d%26ru%3dhttp%253a%252f%252fsp2013sw103%253a81%252fRuntime%252f_trust%252fspauthorize.aspx%253fsession%253d442dc1f4-8f55-4068-9621-924c84559f6c&wct=2015-08-12T07%3a22%3a22Z&wreply=http%3a%2f%2fsp2013sw103%3a81%2fRuntime%2f_trust%2fspauthorize.aspx%3fsession%3d442dc1f4-8f55-4068-9621-924c84559f6c Thanks In advanced. Regards, Swapnali



I would try a couple of things (I’m assuming this is for K2 for SharePoint 2013 app):

-Is this behavior consistent in a different browser (i.e. Chrome)?

-Please try adding the the smartforms site, SharePoint site and SharePoint apps site to the Trusted Sites in IE and see if that would help (Internet Options > Security > Trust Sites).

-Perhaps, the app store is not setup correctly. I would attempt to ping the app domain url from K2 server. You can also check if there is a problem with another app on the same site collection (get a free app from SharePoint store is usually what I would do). 

Appreciate for quick reply.


We have tried mentioned possibilities but none of them worked in our case.


After doing the above mentioned options getting the error "This page can’t be displayed" and redirected to below one. ( like  (slash)Runtime (slash)_trust/ (slash)pauthorize(dot)aspx")


