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Hello All,



Can you please help me out here


I have created a K2 workflow in a SP site. Added a group having 2 users as participant / destination and selected "on at a time" option. What should be the expected behaviour when the process is triggered ?


Should not it be like , User 1 gets the worklist item / task . He / she then completes it and only then second user in the group gets the task. Once the second user completes only then the particular user task is complete and then the workflow moves further. 


But this is not happening . Only the first user gets the task and on completion , the user task finishes and workflow moves further. I guess this should not be happening .


Please guide.


Thanks and Regards,


Hi All,


I figured this out by adding conditions in the Outcome Rules like "All participants selected "Approve" condition where Approve is one of the Outcome. This allows the task to be assigned to the 2nd user once the 1st has completed it and so on.


Attached is the screenshot for the same.


Thanks and Regards,




