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When running K2 for SharePoint configuration Wizard after click on "Update All" in Post Deployment Configuration process stops and K2AdminLinks features Status stay in "In progress XX%" or sometimes in "Pending" state endlessly.
Restart of SharePoint Timer Service on WFE doesn't resolve this.


Check if KB001242 is applicable, check if you have any locked site collections or sites, check Windows Event logs for "K2SPConfigWizardFeatureActivation.asmx" related errors.


Depending on particular situation/diagnosis results following could be done to address this issue:
1. Check if K2 Knowledge Center article is applicable "Known Issue: The K2 Features deployment remains in a status of “In Progress” when upgrading to K2 4.5 with Update KB001290" (
2. Verify that your site collection is not locked. Related TechNet article "Manage the lock status for site collections in SharePoint 2013":
3. Check if you have following error in the Windows Event Logs "K2SPConfigWizardFeatureActivation.asmx: Access to this Web site has been blocked". If that is the case, then in combination with the previous suggestion, do the following:
Clear the file system cache on all servers in the server farm on which the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service is running following these steps:
- Stop the SharePoint Services Timer service.
- Delete or move the contents of the following folder:
'%ALLUSERSPROFILE% Application DataMicrosoftSharePointConfigGUID' EXCEPT the "cache.ini" file.
- Edit the "cache.ini" file - delete entire content of the file and input number "1" (just the number, without the quotation). Save the file.
- Start the SharePoint Services Timer service.
Note: The file system cache is re-created after you perform this procedure. Make sure that you perform this procedure on all servers in the server farm on which the Timer service is running.
- Run the 'K2 for SharePoint Configuration Wizard' and see if the features can be deployed.
4. Another scenario is when you have errors "K2SPConfigWizardFeatureActivation.asmx: A website with the name %% doesn't exist" in such case you may delete/restore website mentioned in error message and re-run K2 for SharePoint Configuration Wizard.

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