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After performing consolidation on the K2 databases and rerunning the K2 for SharePoint installer, the logs still report that the installer is still looking at K2HostServer database rather than the consolidated database. I need to update the K2 for SharePoint to point to the new consolidated database.


We checked the connection string for the database in the connectionstringeditor.exe and also confirmed that there were no values in HostServer.Configuration table for consolidated DB that would link back to the old unconsolidated DB. A repair of K2 blackpearl was done and we still did not see a resolution.

Installer traces for K2 for Sharepoint showed multiple errors as follows:

Failed to update database "K2HostServer" because the database is read-only.

There is another node for this K2 Production server but this is not connected yet via the load balancer. When running the setup manager for K2 for sharepoint we did see it pulled in the old K2HostServer for the database name. We re-ran configuration here to change the DB name to our Unconsolidated DB.

Further investigation into the Consolidation progress revealed that we had run through blackpearl configuration and K2 for SharePoint configuration, but we had not run through configuration for K2 SmartForms.


Running through K2 SmartForms configuration and pointing Smartforms to the new unconsolidated DB and then running K2 for Sharepoint Configuration did not show the logged errors that pointed to the old Unconsolidated K2 DB. The read only errors we saw in the install traces were because during the consolidation process the old DB is set to read only and not deleted in the case we need to revert back. All lingering pointers to the old DB in K2 for Sharepoint setup were because SmartForms had not been updated to point to the new DB.

Recommended order of install is always as follows:

K2 Blackpearl
K2 Smartforms
K2 Smartforms Control Pack
K2 for Sharepoint


Just bumped into the same problem, not 100% sure if it means that PS scripts generated by consolidation utility weren't used correctly or not, but solution was to run through K2 SmartForms Configuration.
