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The K2 for SharePoint is not working properly and/or updating. We've run the K2 for SharePoint App update for 4.6.11. We've followed documentation from here:|SharePoint%202013%20(On-Prem)%20Installation|_____0

and here:

The K2 App does not an update option.

The K2 Application on a list will only load the first time after clearing the browser's cache subsequent loading of the K2 app results in the error below:

Server Error
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: Cannot find configured claim-mapping for identity provider type. For more information see

More Details

at SourceCode.Security.Claims.Web.SPAuthModule.CheckClaimTypeMappingToClearSession(SessionSecurityToken token, String trust)
at SourceCode.Security.Claims.Web.SPAuthModule.DoSessionTokenCheckAndHandleRedirect(String url)
at SourceCode.Security.Claims.Web.SPAuthModule.OnBeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Booleanand completedSynchronously)




The 'K2 for SharePoint Application Deployment.exe' cab file in 4.6.11 did not contain an 'Sharepoint On-premises' folder this is a bug with the 'K2 for SharePoint Application Deployment.exe' cab file and a TFS item has been logged.

After exporting the following Identity.Claim tables below to a .csv:

SELECT * FROM FIdentity].iClaimAudience]
SELECT * FROM FIdentity].iClaimIssuer]
SELECT * FROM FIdentity].iClaimRealm]
SELECT * FROM FRIdentity].iClaimRealmIssuer]
SELECT * FROM FIdentity].iClaimTypeMapping]
SELECT * FROM FIdentity].iClaimTypeMap]

Found that there was an extra hidden CRLF character in the ClaimType] row in the Identity].iClaimTypeMap] table causing the rows in the .csv to not be correct.



Copy the whole K2 for Sharepoint 4.6.11 > Installation directory to the Sharepoint Server and run the appdeployment.exe instead this location does contain the 'Sharepoint On-premises' folder and the 4.6.11 .app file.

a. Edit the relevant table and delete any trailing space/hidden characters identified
b. Perform a re-export of this table to .csv to check each rows should each be on one single line in the .csv
c. Restart the K2 blackpearl service, clear the browser's cache and retest.



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