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PRODUCT: K2 Five 5.0
This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.

K2 Five Fix Packs

The K2 Five Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 Five. K2 recommends that you test these Fix Packs before you deploy to a production environment.

All K2 Five (5.0) Fix Packs are now available in the K2 Five (5.0) September 2018 Cumulative Update.
Fix Pack Release Date Release notes Download link
Fix Pack 1 28 November 2017 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 2   5 December 2017 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 3 12 December 2017 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 4 19 December 2017 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 5 9 January 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 6 15 January 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 7 23 January 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 8 30 January 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 9 6 February 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 10 13 February 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 11 20 February 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 12 27 February 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 13 6 March 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 14 14 March 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 15 16 March 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 16 20 March 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 17 27 March 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 18 4 April 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 19 10 April 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 20 17 April 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 21 24 April 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 22 2 May 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 23 8 May 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 24 15 May 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 25 22 May 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 26 29 May 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 27 5 June 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 28 12 June 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 29 19 June 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 30 26 June 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 31 10 July 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 32 24 July 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 33 27 July 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 34 10 August 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 35 13 August 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update
Fix Pack 36 22 August 2018 Release notes Included in September 2018 Cumulative Update


Prerequisites and Dependencies

The Fix Packs are only compatible with K2 Five products. Because Fix Packs are cumulative, each new Fix Pack contains the updates and fixes that were included with the previous Fix Pack releases. K2 Five must be installed first after which the latest Fix Pack must be installed.

Obtaining and installing the Fix Pack

You can download the latest Fix Pack installer by using the links above.  To install the latest Fix Pack follow the instructions in the Installation instructions.pdf included in the installer package.\n


Fix Pack 1

This fix pack includes the following fixes:


  1. KB002108 - Hotfix: Parameter added to set the execution user on SQL Service Instance SmartObjects
  2. KB002109 - Hotfix: The Auto-Complete control does not use strict validation
  3. KB002110 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five previously removed expressions are badged on a View
  4. KB002111 - Hotfix: Transferring data clears the Auto-Complete control's value
  5. KB002112 - Hotfix: An error occurs when moving a document using a SharePoint SmartObject
  6. KB002113 - Hotfix: Moving a button's position on a View or Form results in a dependency warning
  7. KB002114 - Hotfix: Unable to create a package of a workflow containing a dynamic IPC Event
  8. KB002115 - Hotfix: Lookup columns not available as input properties on a Document Set SmartObject
  9. KB002116 - Hotfix: An error occurs when attempting to run the K2 Setup Manager's Repair option
  10. KB002117 - Hotfix: An error occurs on the Picker control when resolving a large number of users
  11. KB002118 - Hotfix: Unable to create a package if the workflow contains both Library and Document steps
  12. KB002119 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a workflow after upgrading from K2 Five RC to K2 Five RTM
  13. KB002120 - Hotfix: An error occurs when adding a property to an already deployed Advanced SmartObject

Fix Pack 2

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002122 - Hotfix: Integrating with Exchange results in an error in a NLB environment
  2. KB002123 - Hotfix: The Auto-Complete control fails to load the value when using the ID field as an input value

Fix Pack 3

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002134 - Hotfix: Uploading a document via a Form does not update the metadata
  2. KB002135 - Hotfix: Updating a SmartObject results in a new SmartObject being created
  3. KB002136 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced when attempting to add an item to K2 Package and Deployment
  4. KB002137 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a workflow after installing .NET Framework 4.7.1
  5. KB002138 - Hotfix: When the ‘System’ user is resolved in the K2 database errors are logged in the K2 Host Server and ADUM logs
  6. KB002140 - Hotfix: An error occurs after running the K2 Setup Repair option when removing K2 signing certificates
  7. KB002142 - Hotfix: When executing a CRM SmartObject Get List method with Impersonate rights the configured filter is ignored
  8. KB002143 - Hotfix: An error occurs when adding a Role in K2 Management
  9. KB002144 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced when executing the Activitiy Instance Destination Reporting SmartObject

Fix Pack 4

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002151 - Hotfix: Incorrect behavior experienced in K2 Designer when editing WCF SmartObject methods
  2. KB002152 - Hotfix: An additional blank row is created on an Editable List View
  3. KB002153 - Hotfix: An error occurs when uploading a document greater than 1.5MB to a folder in a SharePoint Library
  4. KB002154 - Hotfix: Inherited View rule remains on Form after deleting the View from the Form
  5. KB002155 - Hotfix: An error occurs when adding a folder to a SharePoint Document Library, and the workflow is set to start when an item is added
  6. KB002156 - Hotfix: Logging into K2 Designer using Forms STS authentication results in an error
  7. KB002157 - Hotfix: When changing the value of a data field to a previously used value, the View Flow does not show all the values.
  8. KB002158 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five the environment fields do not load in the Workflow Designer
  9. KB002159 - Hotfix: The Salesforce broker does not handle attachments correctly
  10. KB002160 - Hotfix: Unable to start a workflow using a Form with Anonymous authentication

Fix Pack 5

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002166 - Hotfix: Unique permissions are removed when activating another SharePoint sub site
  2. KB002167 - Hotfix: Unable to set a Task recipient to an Active Directory group or K2 Role
  3. KB002168 - Hotfix: Smart Actions not available in email notifications
  4. KB002169 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced when starting workflows
  5. KB002170 - Hotfix: An error occurs when trying to save a SharePoint-based K2 Form
  6. KB002171 - Hotfix: When a workflow contains a DocuSign Create Tab event an error occurs in runtime
  7. KB002172 - Hotfix: Unable to remove a user from a Role using the K2 Management SmartObject
  8. KB002173 - Hotfix: Workflow State parameter incorrectly set in a Task event when selecting the “I’ll do it myself later” option

Fix Pack 6

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002176 - Hotfix: The Memo Data Type and Rich Text Box Controls truncate data
  2. KB002177 - Hotfix: Categories created in K2 Designer containing a period will display the category in K2 Management without the period
  3. KB002178 - Hotfix: Incorrect data returned when filtering on fields of type Date/Time
  4. KB002179 - Hotfix: Post method that returns array results does not show results when executed from a REST Service Instance SmartObject

Fix Pack 7

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002188 - Hotfix: A SQL error occurs when the K2 database and SQL server collation differs
  2. KB002189 - Hotfix: An error occurs when uploading a document larger than 1.5 MB to a SharePoint folder
  3. KB002190 - Hotfix: An error occurs when saving a form after upgrading from K2 4.7 to K2 Five RTM
  4. KB002191 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five RTM, SmartForms wizards are not available in K2 Studio or K2 Designer for Visual Studio

Fix Pack 8

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002192 - Hotfix: Unable to resize columns in List and Editable List views
  2. KB002193 - Hotfix: The metadata for Person and Group columns in SharePoint is not updated
  3. KB002195 - Hotfix: Unable to change the order of columns in List and Editable List views
  4. KB002198 - Hotfix: Incorrect rule selected in User Task Event after deploying a workflow

Fix Pack 9

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002206 - Hotfix: Assigning workflow rights to the Everyone group results in errors logged in the K2 Host Server and ADUM logs
  2. KB002207 - Hotfix: No space visible between name and icon when browser is set to Hebrew language
  3. KB002208 - Hotfix: Buttons on SmartObject, View and Form designer overlapping when using Hebrew language in browser
  4. KB002209 - Hotfix: No error displayed in Error Profiles when workflow is in error state
  5. KB002210 - Hotfix: Unable to check in a view after clearing the design canvas and saving the view
  6. KB002211 - Hotfix: Alignment issues when creating a new SmartObject or View when using Hebrew language in browser
  7. KB002212 - Hotfix: Category and Form name layout incorrect when using Hebrew language in browser
  8. KB002213 - Hotfix: Form or View name and icon display incorrectly in runtime when using Hebrew language in browser

Fix Pack 10

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002215 - Hotfix: Expressions created on a control not evaluating correctly
  2. KB002216 - Hotfix: No validation when configuring a recurring meeting using the Calendar control
  3. KB002217 - Hotfix: An error occurs when attempting to open a worklist item where the Form has a parameter named “para_*” or “para”
  4. KB002219 - Hotfix: Refresh List icon incorrectly aligned in K2 Five Designer when using Hebrew language in browser
  5. KB002220 - Hotfix: Collapse icons in View settings are overlapped by text in K2 Five Designer when using Hebrew language in browser
  6. KB002221 - Hotfix: Style builder alignment issues in K2 Five Designer when using Hebrew language in browser
  7. KB002228 - Hotfix: Unable to use the datetimeoffset(7) SQL data type
  8. KB002229 - Hotfix: An error occurs when editing a workflow deployed from a K2 Package when the workflow has a field referencing a SmartObject

Fix Pack 11

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002238 - Hotfix: Destination users not receiving Task Notification e-mails when a large number of workflow instances are running
  2. KB002239 - Hotfix: When a filter is configured on the Active Directory User SmartObject, no data returns
  3. KB002240 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 5.0, decimal values are displayed with multiple zeros on a view
  4. KB002241 - Hotfix: Unable to expand the Category tree in K2 Five Designer when using Hebrew language in browser
  5. KB002242 - Hotfix: Unable to proceed to K2 App activation on the App Catalog
  6. KB002243 - Hotfix: Auto complete search results display incorrectly on iPad mini devices

Fix Pack 12

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002249 - Hotfix: Rules in the Rules wizard are not right aligned when using the Hebrew Language
  2. KB002250 - Hotfix: SmartActions function intermittently
  3. KB002251 - Hotfix: Clicking an attachment control on a Form tab results in the second tab having a vertical scroll bar
  4. KB002252 - Hotfix: An error occurs when attempting to edit a recurring calendar event

Fix Pack 13

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002262 - Hotfix: An error occurs when deploying a package with multiple SharePoint sites when the user does not have rights to one of the sites
  2. KB002263 - Hotfix: Viewflows become unresponsive
  3. KB002264 - Hotfix: The Get Process Instance Detail is not shown for participating users after upgrading to K2 Five
  4. KB002265 - Hotfix: Rules on the rules landing page display incorrectly when using the Hebrew language
  5. KB002266 - Hotfix: View and form navigation menus are rendered incorrectly when using the Hebrew language
  6. KB002267 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced during the Map Service Instance page of K2 Package and Deployment
  7. KB002268 - Hotfix: In K2 Package and Deployment, list settings take a long time to resolve

Fix Pack 14

You must re-run the K2 for SharePoint Registration Wizard after installing this fix pack.
This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002209 - Hotfix: No error displayed in Error Profiles when workflow is in error state
  2. KB002274 - Hotfix: Using the Format Date and Time expression on a Data label in a view, results in an extra ‘y’ displayed at runtime
  3. KB002275 - Hotfix: When using the Hebrew Language and configuring user filters in runtime on a view, the text overlaps the context browser nodes
  4. KB002276 - Hotfix: Unable to assign a user task to multiple users based on a SmartObject
  5. KB002277 - Hotfix: The word “undefined” displays when a button control is added to a column in an editable list view
  6. KB002278 - Hotfix: When a drop down list control retrieves data from a SmartObject in an editable list view, on view load the values are not displayed
  7. KB002279 - Hotfix: Unable to use the Task ID smartfield in any mail task editor
  8. KB002280 - Hotfix: Editing a recurring calendar event sets the end date to a future date
  9. KB002281 - Hotfix: The REST endpoint's httpHeader property is not sent during SmartObject calls

Fix Pack 15

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002283 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a package in a Sub site if you do not have Read permissions on SharePoint parent site
  2. KB002284 - Hotfix: The “My Forms” heading is overlapped by the “X” close button
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