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K2 Five 5.2

K2 Five (5.2) Fix Packs


The K2 Five (5.2) Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 Five (5.2). K2 recommends that you test these Fix Packs before you deploy to a production environment.

Be sure you are installing newer fix packs in your environment, and not overwriting with older fix packs.

Want to see what Fix Pack level you have installed? Check out KB001893: How to determine the installed K2 software version, Cumulative Updates, and Fix Packs
Also see:  
Fix Pack Release Date Release notes Download Link
Fix Pack 1 16 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 2 23 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 3 31 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 4 5 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 5 7 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 6 14 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 7 20 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 8 27 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 9 28 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 10 6 December 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 11 11 December 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 12 12 December 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 13 18 December 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 14 21 December 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 15 8 January 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 16 15 January 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 17 22 January 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 18 29 January 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 19 5 February 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 20 7 February 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 21 12 February 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 22 19 February 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 23 27 February 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 24 5 March 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 25 12 March 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 26 19 March 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 27 27 March 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 28 2 April 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 29 4 April 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 30 9 April 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 31 16 April 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 32 23 April 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 33 30 April 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 34 10 May 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 35 14 May 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 36 21 May 2019 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 8 is not available for download, use the latest Fix Pack available for download which includes all the fixes that were in Fix Pack 8 and more.
Fix Pack 18 is not available for download, use Fix Pack 17 until Fix Pack 19 is available which includes all the fixes that were in Fix Pack 18 and more.
Fix Pack 28 is not available for download, use Fix Pack 27 until Fix Pack 29 is available

Prerequisites and Dependencies

The Fix Packs are only compatible with K2 Five (5.2) products. Because Fix Packs are cumulative, each new Fix Pack contains the updates and fixes that were included with the previous Fix Pack releases. K2 Five (5.2) must be installed first after which the latest Fix Pack must be installed.

Obtaining and installing the Fix Pack

You can download the latest Fix Pack installer by using the links above. To install the latest Fix Pack follow the instructions in the Installation instructions.pdf included in the installer package.


Fix Pack 1

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002746 - Hotfix: The day difference expression is not returning the correct results
  2. KB002747 - Hotfix: An error occurs when executing a SQL SmartObject list method after editing a property name
  3. KB002748 - Hotfix: Every 30 days the Azure Active Directory security token expires, locking users out of K2 completely
  4. KB002749 - Hotfix: Unable to view workflow instances in K2 Management
  5. KB002750 - Hotfix: Executing the PDF control at runtime does not capture the screen exactly as is
  6. KB002751 - Hotfix: Sharing a K2 worklist task between users removes the worklist task from the original user’s worklist
  7. KB002752 - Hotfix: A time out error occurs on a SharePoint document library containing a large number of documents
  8. KB002753 - Hotfix: When deselecting SharePoint lists / libraries on category level, the lists / libraries are not excluded from the package
  9. KB002754 - Hotfix: A time out error occurs when attempting to activate the K2 App
  10. KB002756 - Hotfix: When creating or deploying a K2 package, you can interact with tree items while it is updating
  11. KB002757 - Hotfix: The Activity Instance Destination SmartObject returns duplicate data
  12. KB002758 - Hotfix: Changing a picker control to a drop-down list control causes an infinite spinner
  13. KB002759 - Hotfix: When a calendar control is set to “time only”, the time popup does not open at runtime

Fix Pack 2

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002777 - Hotfix: When a user’s password contains a reserved MsBuild character, an error occurs when the user attempts to deploy a workflow
  2. KB002778 - Hotfix: An error occurs when executing the “Get Group Users” method from the UMUser SmartObject
  3. KB002779 - Hotfix: Resolving a SharePoint item reference based on a lookup column, returns incorrect results
  4. KB002780 - Hotfix: When creating a policy on a SmartObject, you can use Extend/Secure By on objects that are non-SmartBox SmartObjects
  5. KB002781 - Hotfix: When creating a data access policy on SmartBox SmartObjects, an exception occurs
  6. KB002782 - Hotfix: When editing a workflow that is set to start “When item is added”, an error occurs
  7. KB002783 - Hotfix: The PDF control does not create the PDF file successfully in some instances

Fix Pack 3

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002801 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced when the category tree loads in K2 Management
  2. KB002802 - Hotfix: When performing a full user/group sync, deleted users/groups are synced to the database by default
  3. KB002803 - Hotfix: Unable to sort on a formatted column in a list view
  4. KB002804 - Hotfix: The time on a task reminder is not calculated correctly
  5. KB002805 - Hotfix: After deploying a package, duplicate categories are created in K2 Designer
  6. KB002806 - Hotfix: An error occurs when browsing to the Error Logs page in K2 Management
  7. KB002807 - Hotfix: Incorrect name display on the “Configure Limited Data Access” dialog in K2 Management
  8. KB002808 - Hotfix: An error occurs when creating a K2 application on a non-English SharePoint Document library

Fix Pack 4

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002819 - Hotfix: The quick search drop-down order is incorrect on a list view
  2. KB002820 - Hotfix: The SharePoint Management SmartObject does not return a SharePoint user using an FQN value
  3. KB002821 - Hotfix: Unable to create a K2 Application on SharePoint lists

Fix Pack 5

This fix pack includes the following fixes and an enhancement on the HTML Editor. See the documentation to learn more:
  1. Enhancement: KB002822 - Hotfix: Unable to configure Mail tasks or notification emails with HTML mark-up in a workflow in K2 Designer
  2. KB002823 - Hotfix: When you upgrade to K2 Five (5.2), the calendar control popup does not display
  3. KB002824 - Hotfix: When you configure a calendar control to be required, the red border does not display
  4. KB002825 - Hotfix: An error occurs when attempting to deploy a workflow in K2 Designer
  5. KB002826 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five (5.2), an error occurs when executing a WCF Endpoint Service Instance SmartObject method

Fix Pack 6

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002833 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five (5.2), missing reference errors occur when editing a workflow
  2. KB002834 - Hotfix: When you export a Survey App report to Notepad or a double byte capable text tool, Non-English characters convert to question marks
  3. KB002835 - Hotfix: The SharePoint Management SmartObject does not return a SharePoint user using an FQN value
  4. KB002836 - Hotfix: Paging does not reflect on a list view

Fix Pack 7

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002851 - Hotfix: The text of a list view header is incorrectly aligned
  2. KB002852 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five (5.2), a drop-down list is empty on an editable list view
  3. KB002853 - Hotfix: After deploying a package via K2 Package and Deployment, view field mappings are unresolved
  4. KB002854 - Hotfix: After configuring a Transfer data rule, dependency checks fail on the rule
  5. KB002855 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a workflow

Fix Pack 8

Fix Pack 8 is not available for download, use the latest Fix Pack which includes all the fixes that were in Fix Pack 8 and more.
This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002860 - Hotfix: When SQL timeouts occur, the error message does not reflect in the HostServerLogging.config file
  2. KB002861 - Hotfix: Unable to sign-in to K2 smartforms when Multi-Factor Authentication is used
  3. KB002862 - Hotfix: Active Directory groups not resolving when added to roles
  4. KB002863 - Hotfix: Recurring calendar events are duplicated
  5. KB002864 - Hotfix: An error occurs when using the Send an E-mail action
  6. KB002865 - Hotfix: When performing an Active Directory sync, errors occur in the HostServer log file

Fix Pack 9

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002866 - Hotfix: An error occurs when registering a Rest Broker Service Instance
  2. KB002867 - Hotfix: K2 Server is unable to start after installing K2 Five (5.2) Fix Pack 8

Fix Pack 10

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002878 - Hotfix: Slow performance on the Roles page in K2 Management
  2. KB002879 - Hotfix: When you edit the kprx of a K2 Workflow, some of the user tasks destination set configuration changed
  3. KB002880 - Hotfix: Editable list rows not saving consistently
  4. KB002881 - Hotfix: Custom style configured on a listbox control is not applied at runtime
  5. KB002882 - Hotfix: Unable to see tasks or task users in the context browser in K2 Workflow Designer
  6. KB002883 - Hotfix: The picker control is not populated with data at runtime
  7. KB002884 - Hotfix: A legacy K2 Workflow does not start when triggered with a SharePoint event

Fix Pack 11

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002888 - Hotfix: A K2 Workflow with a long name causes an error on deployment
  2. KB002889 - Hotfix: An error occurs when attempting to deploy a K2 Workflow
  3. KB002890 - Hotfix: An error occurs when renaming a reference on a loop step
  4. KB002891 - Hotfix: An error occurs when attempting to edit a K2 Workflow
  5. KB002892 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 Five (5.2), data field input is missing in a “Call Subworkflow” step
  6. KB002893 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced when executing a full Active Directory sync

Fix Pack 12

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002900 - Hotfix: An error occurs in K2 Management Roles
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