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PRODUCT: K2 Five 5.1

K2 Five (5.1) Fix Packs


The K2 Five (5.1) Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 Five (5.1). K2 recommends that you test these Fix Packs before you deploy to a production environment.

Fix Pack Release Date Release notes Download Link
Fix Pack 1 18 May 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 2 22 May 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 3 29 May 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 4 5 June 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 5 12 June 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 6 19 June 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 7 26 June 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 8 6 July 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 9 10 July 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 10 18 July 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 11 25 July 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 12 31 July 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 13 7 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 14 15 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 15 21 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 16 23 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 17 28 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 18 29 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 19 31 August 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 20 4 September 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 21 11 September 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 22 19 September 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 23 26 September 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 24 27 September 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 25 3 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 26 9 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 27 18 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 28 26 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 29 30 October 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 30 5 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 31 13 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 32 20 November 2018 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 38 3 March 2021 Release notes Download Fix Pack 38


Prerequisites and Dependencies

The Fix Packs are only compatible with K2 Five (5.1) products. Because Fix Packs are cumulative, each new Fix Pack contains the updates and fixes that were included with the previous Fix Pack releases. K2 Five (5.1) must be installed first after which the latest Fix Pack must be installed.


Obtaining and installing the Fix Pack

\nYou can download the latest Fix Pack installer by using the links above. To install the latest Fix Pack follow the instructions in the Installation instructions.pdf included in the installer package.\n


Fix Pack 1

This fix pack includes the following fixes and enhancements:
  1. Feature: You can enhance data security even further now by using Data Access Policies to control which users may access all data stored in a SmartObject, and who may access only specific records stored in a SmartBox SmartObject.
  2. Consideration: The Exchange service type has been renamed to Exchange Online. Exchange instances and generated SmartObjects created in K2 5.1 will continue to work and will remain under the same Exchange category structure they were in before the Fix Pack is applied. New instances and generated SmartObjects created after installing the K2 5.1 Fix Pack 1 will be under the Exchange Online category under the root node
  3. KB002385 - Hotfix: SharePoint Authentication is not responding to logins from different users
  4. KB002386 - Hotfix: Adding a new row to a View in K2 Workflow Designer (Legacy) fails
  5. KB002387 - Hotfix: You are unable to set the “Manager Can Update Membership List” checkbox on a multi domain environment
  6. KB002388 - Hotfix: Worklist items can be released in K2 Workspace but not in K2 Management
  7. KB002389 - Hotfix: Anonymous Form access from a secondary runtime site causes an error
  8. KB002390 - Hotfix: Cannot inherit from DocuSign SmartObject dll assembly to override methods
  9. KB002391 - Hotfix: In K2 for SharePoint, document versioning does not work as expected
  10. KB002392 - Hotfix: Guest users cannot see any forms when signed into the K2 Mobile app
  11. KB002393 - Hotfix: K2 Management landing page displays incorrectly when using the Hebrew language
  12. KB002394 - Hotfix: Using K2 Management in a browser with non- English settings displays a horizontal scrollbar through the context browser
  13. KB002395 - Hotfix: The K2 Management user name does not display correctly when using the Hebrew language
  14. KB002396 - Hotfix: Role name overlaps the user icon in K2 Management when using the Hebrew language
  15. KB002397 - Hotfix: Adding a column to the left or right in K2 Designer does not work correctly with the Hebrew language
  16. KB002398 - Hotfix: In K2 Designer, using a combination of properties from many SmartObjects from “Recent” in the context browser causes an error
  17. KB002399 - Hotfix: Icons display incorrectly in runtime when using the Browser Zoom on a form with Lithium theme applied
  18. KB002400 - Hotfix: After an upgrade to K2 Five, the “Next” button for K2 Package and Deployment is disabled
  19. KB002401 - Hotfix: At K2 smartforms runtime, moving items from Available to Selected in the Multi-Select Control using the “>” button does not work correctly
  20. KB002402 - Hotfix: Opening a worklist item in K2 Workspace results in an error
  21. KB002403 - Hotfix: Deploying a process with references to a custom assembly fails
  22. KB002404 - Hotfix: An object reference error occurs when creating SmartObjects for a SharePoint List
  23. KB002405 - Hotfix: Unable to edit items in an Editable List View that contains a filtered drop-down list
  24. KB002406 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a .NET Framework 4.7.1 based workflow via K2 Package and Deployment
  25. KB002407 - Hotfix: Hotfix: Unable to publish a SmartObject of an MS-SQL table with column names with non-English characters
  26. KB002408 - Hotfix: An error occurs when executing a Salesforce SmartObject
  27. KB002409 - Hotfix: Salesforce system views and forms are not hidden in K2 Designer
  28. KB002410 - Hotfix: An error occurs when viewing the Error tab in K2 Management Site
  29. KB002411 - Hotfix: When executing an Exchange SmartObject method an error occurs
  30. KB002412 - Hotfix: The K2 Workflow email event format is returned incorrectly when copied from Microsoft Office products
  31. KB002413 - Hotfix: After activating the Exchange feature, the Exchange SmartObjects are not visible in K2 Designer
  32. KB002414 - Hotfix: An error occurs in K2 Package and Deployment on the Map Service Instance page
  33. KB002415 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a solution due to view errors
  34. KB002416 - Hotfix: Duplicate Emails received when using the K2 Workflow SendEmail step
  35. KB002417 - Hotfix: K2 Workflows don't start when configured to start with a SharePoint event
  36. KB002420 - Hotfix: When using a SmartObject generated from a stored procedure, the identifier does not return at runtime
  37. KB002430 - Hotfix: Unable to add users with multiple authentication accounts to K2 Management security
  38. KB002431 - Hotfix: Unable to create Error Profiles in K2 Management
  39. KB002432 - Hotfix: Unable to upgrade to K2 Five (5.1) when the K2 database has data integrity issues
  40. KB002434 - Hotfix: When attempting to edit a workflow with a high number of steps, the workflow does not load
  41. KB002438 - Hotfix: Upgrading to K2 Five (5.1) moved deployed workflows to the root category

Fix Pack 2

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002444 - Hotfix: When executing a list method from an Oracle data source, returned results only displays content from the first page
  2. KB002445 - Hotfix: When starting a workflow via the REST service, the folio name in the webservice call saves incorrectly
  3. KB002446 - Hotfix: Form opens twice in Internet Explorer
  4. KB002447 - Hotfix: When Out of Office is configured via the API for a future date, the forwarding user receives tasks before the configured Out of Office date
  5. KB002448 - Hotfix: Nested expressions cause dependency warning to show after upgrading from K2 SmartForms 4.6.11 to K2 Five
  6. KB002449 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 4.7 the Edit toolbar button on a list view did not function correctly
  7. KB002450 - Hotfix: When sorting a list view by the date column, the order is incorrect

Fix Pack 3

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002470 - Hotfix: Starting a K2 workflow in K2 Management site results in an error
  2. KB002471 - Hotfix: The K2 Picker Control loses focus on an iOS (Apple Mobile Operating System) device
  3. KB002472 - Hotfix: An exception occurs when executing an Endpoint WCF service method
  4. KB002473 - Hotfix: Executing the “getDocumentSets” method results an error
  5. KB002474 - Hotfix: An exception occurs when using the Select All button when creating a K2 Package and Deployment package
  6. KB002475 - Hotfix: Unable to delete SmartObjects after upgrading to K2 Five (5.1)
  7. KB002476 - Hotfix: An error occurs when executing a SmartObject method that is mapped to a ServiceObject method
  8. KB002477 - Hotfix: Hotfix: Item Reference for SharePoint People or Group column does not resolve
  9. KB002478 - Hotfix: The multi-select control does not retrieve items correctly

Fix Pack 4

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002489 - Hotfix: Retrying a legacy workflow in error state incorrectly completes the workflow
  2. KB002490 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a workflow with three or more actions
  3. KB002491 - Hotfix: When a workflow contains a mathematical sum or minimum inline function, the workflow goes into an error state
  4. KB002492 - Hotfix: Multiple missing reference errors when deploying a package
  5. KB002493 - Hotfix: When deploying a package containing a Lookup List as a reference, the referenced workflow cannot be deployed
  6. KB002494 - Hotfix: Selecting multiple values in a SmartForms Picker control causes the control to render incorrectly
  7. KB002495 - Hotfix: Unable to remap existing lists when deploying with K2 Package and Deployment
  8. KB002496 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a package using K2 Package and Deployment after installing a Fix Pack
  9. KB002497 - Hotfix: When using non-English characters in Email events or User Task notifications, the email format is incorrect
  10. KB002498 - Hotfix: When attempting to reconfigure a SmartObject step, an error occurs

Fix Pack 5

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002504 - Hotfix: Unable to access a K2 application after deploying a K2 Package and Deployment package
  2. KB002505 - Hotfix: Unable to move a SmartObject between categories in K2 Management
  3. KB002506 - Hotfix: Unable to filter on an empty field in a User Manager SmartObject
  4. KB002507 - Hotfix: An error occurs when executing a REST Service Add method to add a serialized value

Fix Pack 6

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002521 - Hotfix: The Rich Text control behaves incorrectly in Runtime
  2. KB002522 - Hotfix: Activating a Subsite on SharePoint to use the K2 application presents an error
  3. KB002523 - Hotfix: Viewflow instances of large K2 Workflows result in performance issues
  4. KB002524 - Hotfix: Updating a SharePoint item multiple times in Runtime presents an error
  5. KB002525 - Hotfix: After deploying a package an error is presented when regenerating SmartObjects and Forms
  6. KB002526 - Hotfix: When using an invalid Runtime URL in a Workflow task rule, an error occurs in Workflow Designer
  7. KB002527 - Hotfix: When creating a new List item with K2 for SharePoint forms, an error is presented

Fix Pack 7

This fix pack includes the following fixes:
  1. KB002532 - Hotfix: Navigating to a K2 Application from any SharePoint list or library may result in a user being logged out
  2. KB002533 - Hotfix: Incorrect value displays when you return a reference property with no value
  3. KB002534 - Hotfix: When you execute a GetSmartObject method, an error is presented
  4. KB002535 - Hotfix: Executing the Get List Items method for SharePoint SmartObjects presents an error
  5. KB002536 - Hotfix: Unable to edit a workflow when you use Windows Auth
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