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This service broker makes use of Microsoft's EWS Managed API ( to make web service calls to Exchange to grab or update the out-of-office settings for the current user.


Read the file DeployREADME.doc on how to install and use the broker.


The project source code is hosted at Bitbucket - K2-Exchange-OOFSettings.

Just a note about the version of Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices being used in this broker (in DLL folder). I had another project using version 15.00.0913.015 of this DLL and this caused an error to be reported with your broker saying version could not be found. Seems the version you are using has a version - perhaps you need to update with a more current version? I replaced this version with updated one and rebuilt project and deployed again and works ok.

Hi Adrew,


Thanks, I'll take note of the update. So far, I've deployed the broker to 2 different environments and they are working fine with the DLL.



