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Federated Install (K2, IIS, SharePoint all on same server)
Windows Server 2003 SP1 2003 sp4 w/Moss Components
MOSS Standard (SharePoint Portal Server 2007)
SQL Server 2005

Having an odd Event Sink issue. I have a process tied to the insert event.

I upload a new document w/required metadata columns (which I fill in when prompted after the initial upload) after which nothing K2-related happens. When I check the event viewer, I see errors for the insert and check-in event sinks (see attachment).

This is a brand new environment, with no other processes running. This was the first process attempted in this newly built-out environment.
I can now explain why the first error is happening.

The MOSS DocLib in question has a Content Type defined with required fields. When manually uploading a new document, the document uploads and then you're presented with the meta-data entry screen, after which the documnet is automatically checked-in to the doc lib.

The MOSS insert event is fired after upload but before the meta data has been submitted. So when you have K2 tied to the insert doclib event (like I did) you end up with the error above/left because the meta data hasn't been populated yet. I don't, however, know if this is proper behavior or not.

In my scenario, running through the proper process (Knowledge Lake handling the insertion of the document), inserts the document with the meta-data and checks it in all in one fell swoop so everything works fine. It was my manual uploading for test sake that was causing the issue

The 2nd error (above/right) is still a mystery. It hasn't happened again. But I worry a bit that deadlocks are happening already on a clean machine with no other processes or people on it.
