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Dear Support,

We want to save all K2 email notifications in the sender's sent items. At present, these are not saving. Please advise, how to save these emails in sent items.

Also, we need to migrate on-premise email box of K2 email sender's email to O365. Please let us know what configurations are required in K2 to do O365 related changes. If you have any detailed steps then please share with us.



Regarding the first issue it has been logged as a new feature TFS item. unfortunately there is no workaround.

As for the second issue i recommend contacting the k2 services team for more details.
usually the response is:
Here is the KB highlighting permissions/roles that are required for integrating with Exchange Online:
(Please see the section titled "Microsoft Exchange 2013 and 2016 On-premises and Exchange Online"). After making sure that these permissions have been properly configured, please run through the setup manager to point the installation to the correct Exchange Online environment - this way it will all be updated correctly in all areas. If you run into issues doing this, we can walk through configuring things on the K2 server in the config files instead.



My last response was:
Regarding the first issue it has been logged as a new feature TFS item. unfortunately there is no workaround.

As for the second issue i recommend contacting the k2 services team for more details.
usually the response is:
Here is the KB highlighting permissions/roles that are required for integrating with Exchange Online:
(Please see the section titled "Microsoft Exchange 2013 and 2016 On-premises and Exchange Online"). After making sure that these permissions have been properly configured, please run through the setup manager to point the installation to the correct Exchange Online environment - this way it will all be updated correctly in all areas. If you run into issues doing this, we can walk through configuring things on the K2 server in the config files instead.
The customer responded
Dear Bashar Adas

Our infrastructure team wants to know if K2 is using exchange only for sending emails then why such permissions (which are given in the mentioned knowledge base article) are required?

My response was:
"Required to browse Exchange servers and mailbox databases."
Please have a look at the entries here:

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