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I am in a K2 Distributed environment:  Website2 (on same web server as website1) cannot "K2Server.CreateProcessInstance" for the K2 process that works on Website1

Both Website1 and Website2 are using the same App Pool, with Kerberos account as identity, in fact, Website1 starts a process fine on the K2 server. 

Why won't Website 2, configured the exactly same way start the same process ?

The error I get on this line is: "

'Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ' when this line executes:




piMyProcess As ProcessInstance = connK2Server.CreateProcessInstance("TravelAuthorizationTravelAuthorization"




Hi There,

The object reference not set would indicate perhaps that a connection to the server failed and then when you are trying to call the method on connK2Server there is no connection object for CreateProcess instance.

I would suggest that have a look at the k2 log files (perhaps run k2 in console mode and review what the server is doing when the various stages of connecting are being run (if indeed the server is boing reach at all).

Is the code in the sites the same? are they both sourcing the same connection string settings.

Just some ideas,


Are you using host header-based URL's for your websites?  If so, then you would need specific SPN's for each web site.  You would also need to have specified DisableLoopbackCkeck = 1 in LSA registry.


I am not using Host Headers for the website(s). 

I have everything in "Default" website in IIS.  What now ?

Ok, I have done what you asked, looks like I am connecting fine.  Now What ?

Here is my log

Info    7010 MSMQ Thread Listing
Info    1020 Starting Session AC1D2ECC227A163CE68FBCBDB338ABC0
Info    3000 Authenticating AMmyname.k2.service for session AC1D2ECC227A163CE68FB
CBDB338ABC0 using K2 - Kerberos
Info    5000 URM Server Initializing....
Info    5001 URM Server Initializing....
Info    5002 Default label name K2
Info    24401 Authenticated K2:AMmyname.k2.webappsdev at using Kerbe

Which server do you "Disable Loopback Check" ?  The custom Web app server  ~or~ the K2 workspace server ?


I haven't seen an object reference exception caused by kerberos issues on your environment and would therefore suggest that you start with the basics on this.

First I would suggest that you write out the Stack trace for the exception and see if the error was raised from the server side or not even hitting the server yet.

Second I would like to see exactly what code you are executing in the method that is failing. Please attach it here if possible.


