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When designing workflow in K2 designer and using FOR ... EACH ... THEN type of rules so that one of such rules goes last there is no way to move Start Rule outside of FOR-EACH loop so that it will be very last action outside of FOR-EACH loop. If Start Rule moved to the top of the list we can have it outside of FOR-EACH loop, but when we want to have start rule as a very last action of rule it seems there is no way to place it outside of FOR-EACH loop.


This is known issue with K2 smartforms WorkflowDesigner (StartRule ForEach: There is no way to move the Workflow's start action out). As a workaround you can edit the form in K2 Designer and move the Start action outside of the FOR LOOP in the rule designer.


As a workaround you can edit the form in K2 Designer and move the Start action outside of the FOR LOOP in the rule designer.

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