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Hi everyone,


Having an issue with K2 designer (new install), and not being able to create new workflows.

We can access designer in the browser (IE9) without any issues, and  are able to create views, forms, etc, but not workflows.


When trying to add a new workflow, we get the following error:

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /Designer/Workflow/_trust/Login.aspx



When I check the "K2 smartforms Designer_trust" folder, there is indeed a "login.aspx" file sitting there. There aren't any other "_trust" folders to be found.


Does anyone have any ideas/hints on what I could check?

Hi tspace,



I would suggest you re-run through the K2 Smartforms configuration from the installation media, and check if you can add a new workflow.


Hope this helps


Kind Regards



Thanks for the reply Julia.


That didn't help directly, but it did remind me that we are using Windows auth, rather than forms.

I found that Workflow is setup as a subsite in IIS, and the Authentication for it was set to forms. A quick switch to Windows auth, and all is well now.




