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K2 custom css file not updating within forms


We are having issues with the custom style sheets. Our K2 forms are not reflecting the changes that we make to the css files.

We found this website and followed the instructions but it didn’t resolve the issue.

At this point we are not able to see any of the style changes that we are making.


Per K2 documentation, when deploying and registering custom smartforms themes, any change to the css files and images will require an issue of IISRESET command and clear the browse so that you can see the latest version. and Registering Custom Themes.htm?TocPath=Custom%20Themes%20|Getting%20started%20with%20Custom%20Themes|_____2

A feature request has been logged and linked it to the TFS item.
bFeature Request] K2SF Runtime Theme: Remove necessary to iisreset and clear browser changes when small css (theme changes) are made

A suggested workaround is to disable the UseBundledFiles and Forms.PostRendercombining in both Designer and Runtime's web.confg.

-Disable 2 cached values for both designer’s web.config and runtime’s web.config.

-Restart k2 blacklpearl server service and perform an IISRESET.
-make a change to the Theme.css from the subfolder ThemesLithiumTheme.css.
-Clear the browser’s history and the css change will be reflected.


Yes, please! It would be really awesome if we make changes in the Theme.css file and they can be seen without the IISRESET and without the loosing performance disabling the UseBundledFiles and Forms.PostRendercombining.
