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we are getting below error when a smart object is executing and try to get the data from CRM Sql .


10702 An error occurred in the CBQCRM Service Instance. Generic SQL error.


Does anyone have faced this issue ?


- Arvind Kumar

Hi, Kumar,


As you can see the message is 'generic', so it does not tell us much.


Verify that your connection to SQL is scuccessful, then go to the SmartObject Tester tool and check to which SQL server is your service instance connected - is it pointing to the right SQL?

After, try to refresh the service instance and see if the error persists. You might need to refresh the SMO as well.


Kind Regards,


Hi MA,


Thanks for reply . I have refreshed the CRM Service instance as well as Smart object but issue is still persisting . we are not facing this issue in UAT , SIT or develoment server . we are getting only in Production . 


- Arvind
