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k2 CRM get GUID Error


Hi Team,

we are integrating crm and k2 . i have some filed in crm that is GUID . So based on GUID we have to perform some action like if guid is blank then move to other step else if guid is not blank then move on other activity .

But when I am trying to get GUID for blank field from crm then getting 000000000-0000-0000-00000000000000 fomat and can not line rule on this .

so i am not able to validate the libe rule based on this .

so getting error . how we can validate it in line rule if _GUID is blank or value .



When using a DataEvent the value was stored as '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' in the data field which was not the desired result. Using a SmartObject event in the workflow and storing the applicable GUID in a data field alleviated the issue, and stored a null value as expected.

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