Dear Team,
we are getting error as described in screen shot while executing Get List method in CRM entity. this happens only when the parameter in Get List method contains ' . Please do check and provide us with a solution.
Parameters without ' works fine.
a hotfix was sent to the customer after reprducing the issue
My Last response was:
Dearest Manar
Kindly see the attached solution . before you apply please make a backup of SourceCode.SmartObjects.CRM5Entity.dll in the service broker folder.
The following instructions were created to successfully apply the coldfix to any K2 blackpearl 467 environment. If you are applying this coldfix to a
distributed environment, please do so to all applicable components.
Please backup you current assembly before applyiong the new one
The following is the list of K2 components:
1. Stop K2 Blackpearl Server
2. Apply assembly in location specified below
3. Files must be applied to all K2 servers
4. Start K2 Blackpearl Server
K2 blackpearl Server:
File Path: hProgram Files]K2 BlackpearlServiceBroker
File Names: SourceCode.SmartObjects.CRM5Entity.dll