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Hi All,

We have successfully installed K2, but while creating New K2.Net Server Registration from the service manager we are getting an error :

"Unable to connect to server ABC on port 5252 connect failed.No such host is known."

 Actually SQL is running on a remote server, it has created all the required database in the SQL but we are facing problem while connecting to the SQL database.

Can anyone please let me know the solution for this.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanx in advance .




First, if SQL server is on another domain other than the K2 server, you'll need to configure K2 to 'see' the other domain.Refer to KB articles on the K2 Knowledgebase on how to do this.


If the SQL Server and K2 server are on the same domain, then it is likely either:

a) an incorrect server name/value in the K2 Server's k2server.config file.

b) an incorrect user account configuration attempting to connct to the SQL Server databases.

If you're using SQL Authentication, try using the SQL Server's 'sa'  acocunt and password to connect.

If you're using Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA, 'SSPI' entry in the k2server.config file), try using the K2 Server Service's account (K2 Windows Service, if a domainuser, not using Local System or Network Service accounts).

Also, try stopping the K2 Server Service and loading the K2 Server in 'Console' mode (use 'run as' option and log in as the same account as the K2 Service runs under) to see what comes across the screen.

Important: the account used to connect to the K2 and K2Log databases should have DBO rights to the databases. Often, if the account is not DBO, the K2 Service will be denied access to connect and the service will fail to load (just like you trying to connect to SQL Server but not having permissions to do so).

I find it easiset to troubleshoot K2 in 4 phases:

1. K2 Server Service loads and is healthy; 2. K2 Console loads and is healthy; 3. K2 Service Manager MMC Plug-in loads/is healthy; 4a. Workspace Worklist (and Reports) loads locally (local browser on workspace/IIS machine), 4b. Workspace (Worklist/reports) loads remotely (from remote client browser). Nothing will work properly/consistently if these are healthy.


Also, it appears that the "No such host" error has only had tickets logged for the blackpearl product...not the K2 2003 product.

Is this posting for 2003 or blackpearl?

Hi Dave,

Thanks for replying

This posting is for 2003 Sp4

Hi sourcecode,

A few questions :

  • Is ABC the correct server name? Note that this should be the server which runs the K2Server service.
  • Are you able to ping that server from where you are running the K2 Service manager?
  • Have you tried using the server's FQN? e.g.



I would run a telnet to the server to check the port connectivity.

 telnet <servername> 5252

If you can't connect, it could mean one of the following:

  1. Your K2 server service thread is not running.  If you see the service status as running, try running in console mode to verify that everything is started correctly.
  2. Network connectivity issues.  Could be related to your firewall, routing, DNS issues, etc.

