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Dear Support,

Recently we got a strange issue that the communication between K2 and web application stopped working. We did service restart and reset IIS but the issue was still persisted. After a thorough analysis we got to find out port "49154" was blocked at firewall level which causes this issue. Once this port was released for listening, the K2 started working correctly. We have checked from our network security that this port was blocked from the beginning which means once the firewall application was installed and configured which was may be a year before. The K2 was running perfectly and it got stopped only last week until we found out the issue and resolved this. I need to know how come K2 affected by this port and why it uses this port?
Additionally, we need to know what port ranges are required by K2. Please provide a range so that we will communicate it to our network security to not to block these ports.

I am attaching logs for that particular day when this issue is happened.

An early reply would be highly appreciable.



supply the ports documentation in k2


A complete description of the issue is below:

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