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In testing the new Collaboration Tools it seems that the workflow links are only available for new document libraries created for new sites.

I'm wondering if this is the expected default behavior?

If so, is it possible to configure this to work for existing document libraries and existing sites?

Thanks for any help on this 🙂
Hi Sandra,

No, that is not default behaviour. It should be available to all doc libs and all sites under an SPS portal.

Are you using SPS or WSS? Currently WSS, 'My Site' and Areas under SPS portal is not supported yet.

I'm also having problems in this are.

If I go to "Shared Documents" I get the two links. However, I go go to any other document library, old or new, I don't get the two K2 links for workflow!!

Is this a known bug?
Yep, that's it. If you copy the Schema.xml file from sps template lists/doclib folder to any other template including custom templates it seems to work for existing document libraries as well as new.

