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Hello there,


I am new to K2 blackpearl. Right now I am using version 4.6.11.


I am looking for a solution to integrate K2 with a java application via REST web services. In this case, the java application will provide web services, K2 is supposed to get information via web services and finally post processed data back into the Java application.


Any suggestions will be apprecited. Thank you very much in advance.



Hi xpsong


I understand K2 is planning on releasing a REST service broker in the next version. In the meantime speak to your K2 account rep about registering for the BETA program for this REST broker (if it is still available).


Other options at the moment are to create your own broker (or endpoints assembly) that wraps up the calls to the REST service in some .NET code.

The REST broker beta is definitely available and very usable in its current late beta phase. It will ship very soon. Please contact K2 and we can get you access to the beta and some help to use it. It requires that you have a swagger descriptor for the REST service . Go to for more info and tools to help create the swagger descriptor file

Thank you very much for your replies.


I am going to build a custom service broker to call web serivce in my application.

Hi, I really encourage you to take a look at the REST broker. before building your own broker. While it wont cater for every need,  It is designed to take away a lot of the heavy lifting of building a custom broker for many REST integration scenarios and is usable in both K2 Appit and K2 blackpearl. You are not running any 3rd party code on the K2 server.



Is it possible to use REST broker as a data access layer?
We dont like to write stored proc and view on sql with bussines logic.

The REST broker will expose methods on any REST endpoint as K2 smartobject methods , as long as you can describe them with Swagger. If you are creating your own REStful service using Visual Studio, you can use the Swashbuckle addin to create the swagger automatically
