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Hi all,

I have been evaluating k2 blackpoint software(trial edition) for sometime. I have made a sample workflow that initiates as soon as a new item in a sharepoint forms library is created. The workflow works fine if the system admin is creating the item, and the task is assigned to K2/System, but if any other user logs in and tries to create a new item, the item is created but the workflow doesnot seems to start properly, it starts and ends immediately saying

"Workflow starts, but with some errors"

 The event viewer shows the following error message:

An error has occurred in NewWorkflowActivated_Invoked

Error Details: Server error occured, System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: An error occurred trying to create a new instance of the process. ---> System.Exception: 24408 K2:domainusername from IPAddress does not have rights to Start Process Sharepoint ProjectSharepointProcess

at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.Call(ArchiveX ar, MessageType msgtype)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.CallFunction(ArchiveX ar)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.CreateProcessInstance(String ProcName, Int32 Version, String Layer)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.CreateProcessInstance(String ProcName)

at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.SharePointServiceFunctions.StartWFIntegrationProcess(String K2Server, String Folio, String MetaDataDetail, String ProcessName, String K2IntegrationDataXml, String ProcessObjectXml, String k2ProcessXML, String ClientUserLogon)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.SharePointServiceFunctions.StartWFIntegrationProcess(String K2Server, String Folio, String MetaDataDetail, String ProcessName, String K2IntegrationDataXml, String ProcessObjectXml, String k2ProcessXML, String ClientUserLogon)

at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.SharePointService.StartProcess(String k2ServerName, String Folio, String MetaDataDetail, String processName, String k2IntegrationDataXml, String processObjectXml, String k2ProcessXML, String clientUserLogon)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.K2Runtime.StartProcess(K2IntegrationItem k2IntegrationItem, SPWorkflowActivationProperties Properties)

at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.MultipleTasksAndUsers.NewWorkflowActivated_Invoked(Object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)

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 Thanks n Regards

Shobhit Bhatnagar

Hi Shobhit,

Does the other users you are trying to start the instance with have Start Rights on the process?




I have given rights to the users on my sharepoint site. Is that enough..or do i need to give them rights somewhere else(may be on K2 process as well). Also, the task that is initiated is assigned to two people by default, one to me by the name k2/Shobhit.bhatnagar and the other to K2/System.....

Hope this helps you understand my problem.


Shobhit Bhatnagar

Yes you need to give Process Start Right to the users too.

Please review the following section in the documentation for detailed information on how to achieve this :

K2 Process Portals > Using a K2 Process Portal > Process Portal > Process Rights


Kind Regards,


Hi Gert,

Thanks for your reply. But i still have one point, i want that any user who has access rights to my sharepoint site has the rights to start the K2 workflow process. To achieve this, do i need to give rights to them explicitly or is there any other way around this problem???

Unfortunately you would still need to add the users to the process rights. Either by adding a group that the user belongs to or the user explicitly.


