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We want to run a couple "hands on" labs to take place online. 

 What topics are you most interested in? 

What problems are you having?

What do you need help with?

Reply here, and let us know....

making an infopath workflow for someone with no infopath experience.

We would like to know more about sharepoint events integration as well as the smart object reporting

I would like to know how to work with smartobject in K2 Blackpoint since I am a newbie in this application and I have looked in K2 studio for blackpoint, it seems that smartobjects feature is disable.


Thank you

Which sharepoint event to be used when? There is no much information available on internet about BlackPoint.



For the lab:

It would be very helpful to me to better understand how to migrate an existing SharePoint 2010 list using SP Designer  workflows to a K2 solution. In our case, we will need to maintain the data in the list for reporting and archival purposes, and will need to be able to display it in a form during each step in the process (in addition to the visual flow diagram).

Generally speaking, I would like to see:

a. Reference sheets that describe the various development methods so that I know what to do in what order. I.e. Create a form, set up the SP site, define a SmartObject, write the process.

b. Better guidance on which tool is appropriate for which task  would also be helpful.

c.  More 1-day courses on specific subjects offered in the UK. Whenever I look at the Events on the web site, I only see events in South Africa and  Singapore. Surely there is a market in the UK for this type of training?

This is probably more than you wanted to hear  :-)   Thanks for the outstanding tutorials, and please keep them coming!

Steve Eagleson

Cambridgeshire, UK
