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I did installed and configured BP along with all components successfully, however, whenever I start the server service, it stops immediately by itself.

 Any ideas why?? or how to fix this?


 We have also had a problem similar to yours. Similarly when we run the K2Kblackpearl] Host Server the server will start and then complain about a SQL Bind error and close the window.

 One way to get around (this works for us 🙂 ) this is to shutdown IIS then restart the K2eblackpearl] Host Server which should successfully start the Server and then restart IIS.

 Let me know how you get on.


You generally have to give the service account running K2 [blackpearl] server "Log on as a Service Right"

This quickest way to do this is to go into the services console and verify the account on the "Log On" Tab.

This will give the account the Log on as a service right automatically.

For more information, please see the K2 [blackpearl] installation guide > Post Installation > Service Account and Security > Configure the Host Service Logon.

If this is not what is wrong, start K2 [blackpearl] server in console mode while the service is stopped. This should show you what the problem is.

Hope this helps.

I had the same problem. Simply run K2 Blackpearl HostServer (console mode) in order to get more details about the error. If you previously installed Blackpearl Beta 2.1, the issue is discussed here :

I did have beta 2 and beta2.1 installed and seems i didnt clean up the computer completely.

I will do the cleanup and see...will keep you posted.


thanks everybody

If you have two K2 Services because the Beta version is still there, set the old K2 Service to disabled. I believe there is documentation for installing over Beta, but here's what I did [in order] for a single machine install:

Run the uninstaller for the Beta documentation

Uninstall all other Beta K2 Black Pearl installations.

Modify the machine.config

Delete all of the Black Pearl databases on the SQL Server

Delete the K2 Black Pearl folder in the Program Files directory

Set the existing K2 Service to disabled

Install the later version of Black Pearl




I suggest to start the service in a prompt mode rather than Windows Service Manager, try to cmd the service "path to executable" in the K2 BP Host Service properties dialog, most likely you'll get the same path:

"C:Program FilesK2 blackpearlHost ServerBinK2BlackPearlServer.exe" 


I'm having the same problem, did a clean installation of blackpearl 0803 and the service stops after a few seconds.

 Did anyone solve this problem?


Normally it means there's some issue initializing.

 I would first turn on file tracing and set the logging level to all (see and then check the log trace for errors.

If that doesn't tell you anything.  Try the event log to see if there are other errors logged there.  So far I have been able to get further clues in either of these two locations.

I'm getting this error in the log:

"3966","2008-06-17 10:18:20","Error","System","2001","ServerStartError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine.StartHostServer","2001 Error Starting Host Server: Failed to decrypt using provider 'RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider'. Error message from the provider: The RSA key container could not be opened. (c:program filesk2 blackpearlHost ServerBinK2HostServer.config line 34)","system","","HCISAPL03:c:program filesk2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","3966","9514e8809f54491a88cd426c449cebc1",""


Should I use the ASPNet_regiis tool to add K2 Server service user (k2bpservice) to the ACL of the key container using the –pa parameter?:

aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "k2bpservice"


I saw this error message once when the account running the K2 service was not a local admin.  If possible, make sure your service account is a member of the local admin group.  If you are not allowed to do that for policy reasons, take a look at our article called "Security and Authentication in blackpearl" to see what additional permissions the account must have.  In my case, giving the K2 service account full control over %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSA and all of it's subdirectories did the trick. 

That article should be posted somewhere here on underground or on our customer portal site.


The subdirectories did it, the user only had at full control at %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSA
