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K2 blackpearl Server and the K2 connect Server names are not the same


From VS I was able to run the test cockpit and return data. When I began the steps to create smart object I ran into an error when you click on the k2 server settings link in the K2 Service Object Designer. It says that that the "K2 blackpearl Server and the K2 connect Server names are not the same".

Please make sure to add the corresponding K2 connect Service Object Repository and set it as the default.


This issue was reproducible with K2 Connect version 4.5.5 unfortunately, a fix is not available for this version. To resolve this issue, please upgrade to at least K2 connect version 4.6.5. For compatibility between K2 Connect 4.6.5 and K2 Blackpearl, you will also need to upgrade K2 Blackpearl to at least version 4.6.5:

A possible workaround if upgrading is not possible at this time, is to edit the default "ServiceObject Server(s)" environment library field to match the K2 connect Server name/Service Object repository (this bug will occur in 4.5.5 if the "ServiceObject Server(s)" environment library field is using a host farm name "" and the K2 connect server/Service Object repository is using the machine name "dlx").

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