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I get the following error in my application event log when deploying my workflow:


The deployment worked before I added a Server Event to my workflow, some background of which can be found here:

When I try to deploy my workflow. Unhandled excepton occurred in K2HostServer.exe (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException)

The interesting bit of the error is that it informs me that the “Debugger could not be started because no user is logged on”.

any ideas on what I could be doing wrong here?

kind regards


I've been investigating a little more, and it would seem that the workflow is successfully deployed, but it takes down the BlackPearl Service in the process. Upon the restart of the bpservice the workflow functions as expected with no error in the error log. Strange!


Hi All,

 Just thought i'd let you know that there is a solution to this, thanks to Paolo at K2. I've written it up here:

The essence is:

  1. Your project might contain a corrupt SmartObject in which case you will have to identify and recreate it... 
  2. The (kprx) visual studio project file might contain a closing tag on a seperate line, in which case you will have to open the *.kprx file in Notepad (or another text editor) and make the changes in the DataField nodes, where it is most likely for this oddity to occur. The most common reason for this issue is entering a description for an object in the project that contains a trailing carriage return
  3. The Windows Network Load Balancing service (NLB) is incorrectly set/installed or configured and reinstalling this component may fix the issue.

Hope that this information helps someone else in the future

