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Hi, all

I got this error when deploying k2 blackpearl infopath integration to moss 2007

Error 29 Server was unable to process request. ---> Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: value
 D:PramPin RequestobjDebugDeploymentPin Request.msbuild 63 6 Pin Request

anyone know what caused this error ?


I have seen this before when upgrading to SP1.

 For the some reason the form library was corrupted.  We solved this by recreating the form library again.

 Let me know if this helps.


Thanks Johnny. I will try this and post the result immediately.

I have tested and deployment succeed.

Thanks Johnny

Same error, same suggestion worked 🙂 this is with blackpoint

Also, same error. Deleted Form library and recreated it and deployment succeeded. (using Blackpoint)
