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Hi All,


e have a fairly new installation of K2 Blackpearl 4.6.10 and we're noticing that ALL dates displayed seem to be in M/d/yyyy (Americano) format and I'm wondering if there is a K2 Blackpearl server setting that needs to be changed to accomodate Australian date format (d/M/yyyy)?


A quick search of only resulted in setting date format on individual fields.


The server time zone and region are set correctly, so I assume this is a Blackpearl config issue?





Hi David,


Go to program files (x86) > K2 blackpear > K2 Smartforms Runtime > Web.config 



Find : <add key="SmartObject.ExecutionCulture" value="en-US">


change the value to your region


perform IISRESET


make sure it's the same region on the browser


wish this helps

Thanks Mustafa
