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After installing K2 blackpearl (SP1) and running the "K2 [blackpearl] Configuration Manager" for the first time, I get the following error message in a dialog box "SQL Report Service Site: Please make sure that your SQL Reporting Service webservice is running".  However, I believe that the webservice is running and I am able to browse to its URL (note, which runs on a non-default port) without any problem at...


What could be the problem?  Is it perhaps the non-standard HTTP port being used for the default website?  If so, where does one configure the webservice URL for the Configuration Manager?


I had problems with this before as well.  However in my case even without blackpearl I was having webservice issues.  The way I resolved it was to reinstall Reporting Services.

Hi Tiaan,

The installer resets IIS. This means that the next time a request for the SSRS webservices is made it has to be recompiled. This causes the configuration manger to fail.

I suggest that you browse to the SSRS site before running the configuration manager in order to 'warm up' the web services.


Tiaan, If that works please let us know.  Would love to highlight that
I think having to reinstall Reporting Service just for the BlackPearl Configuration Manager to start working is a bit of overkill -- I did not try it but simply ignored the warning message and went ahead with the rest of the Configuration Manager's wizard. Later on the config wizard asks for a URL of the Reporting Service where I then just added the port number after the server name. The wizard completed successfully, but I'm not sure if all the reports were installed (or if it did whatever the Configuration Manager needs this webservice for).

As for the suggestion from Conrad, browsing to the SSRS webservice has no effect.  I visited the webservice URL (which returned the WSDL document) between two launches of the Configuration Manager.  The same message appeared for the second run than for the first.

Hope this feedback helps someone.
FYI, after running through the Configuration Manager as described earlier (i.e., ignoring the initial "warning" message and specifying the port number later in the wizard), subsequent runs of the Configuration Manager no longer show the message. So it seems that the Configuration Manager may use a wrong URL initially for this webservice if a non-default port is used, but corrects the problem itself once the Configuration Manager has run to completion.

The condition where the configuration manager can not find the SSRS site (but is configurable in later configuration manager wizard steps) has been logged with K2 Labs to be adddressed.

Is it possible that the SharePoint Integrated Mode of SSRS is causing some trouble here? SSRS was also giving me troubles when I installed K2BP. I figured out that SSRS has to be installed in standalone mode. After reconfiguring SSRS the installation was going well.
