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Hello guys,


I've been working with claims authentication and ADFS 2.0 lately, and I would like some confirmation on my environment configuration.


Version 4.6.2, soon to be upgraded to 4.6.7, but it shouldn't affect the fundamental problems I'm facing.

ADFS Custom provider to retrieve claims for users, built using a custom model.

SharePoint connected to ADFS as the only source of Authentication/Authorization provider. Windows authentication is disabled.


I've configured my K2 Blackpearl accordingly to


Now, for as far as I understand, K2 uses a Security provider to retrieve the Groups/Users in its own environment. Authentication is done using the Claims token retrieved from SharePoint Token Service, but the authorization is done by the relevant Security Provider (AD/LDAP/SQL/Custom) contacting the source directly. This means that a custom security provider must be developed to do the authorization with whaterever custom provider is plugged in ADFS.


Could someone confirm this??


My initial expectation was that K2 could be plugged into ADFSs relying parties and receive all the Authentication and Authorization through ADFS, ignoring completely the source, even if using SharePoint Token Service to retrieve them (which doens't really make sense too, because K2 is dependent on SharePoint for authorization and this couples both platforms).


Accordingly to the claims flow in, the identity is retrieved from STS, but the groups/claims need a custom security provider to contact the source (AD/LDAP/etc).


Thanks to anyone that had already gone through this pain :)


Kind regards,



Hi Roberto,


Please see below a link to the updated "Getting Started" for K2 BlackPearl 4.6.7 which discusses claims based authentication and ADFS.






Your conclusions are pretty close to the truth.

For SharePoint claims, we only use the "user" portion of the claim. In essence, we accept the incoming claim from SharePoint, and do not re-authenticate the user. But we don't use the claim to indicate group/role membership.

This is where the custom security provider comes into play. In order to see what groups a user belongs to, it is still necessary for K2 to connect back to ADFS to resolve these things directly.


As an aside, I will mention that K2 does actually require Windows authentication on claims-enable SharePoint sites. That is the only way that the K2 service can connect back in to SharePoint to update list items, etc. 


Hope this helps,

