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K2 4.6.8 Setup Manager shows Log on as batch Job error on Configuration analysis stage when run on non-English version of Windows Server. Message is displayed in red text in Windows localization language.

Here is an example of error message received on German version of Windows:

System.FormatException: Der Index, basierend auf 0 (null), muss größer als oder gleich Null sein, und kleiner als die Größe der Argumentenliste.
bei System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Objectb] args)
bei System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Objectb] args)
bei SourceCode.Configuration.Checklist.Tasks.SecurityPolicies.MyResult.GenerateView(IDataView view)
bei SourceCode.SetupManager.ConfigCheck.UpdateTaskView(Task task)
Duration: 0 seconds


On an English version of Windows K2 4.6.8 Setup Manager is capable to display normal warning text (and perform required Repair action, given the fact that account permissions/security settings allow this). Normal warning text looks as follows:
Analysis Result: Warning
Using the Repair option will grant the 'Log on as a batch job' rights to all users in the Domain Users group.


This is known issue which manifests itself when performing installation of K2 blackpearl 4.6.8 on non-English versions of windows. Setup manager fails to perform this check. This problem has been seen on Russian, German and French versions of Windows Server (2008/2012).

This issue will be addressed in the future versions. As for now it is necessary to manually make sure that Domain Users group has "Logon as a batch job" rights and grant this right if necessary.

You can find more information about the requirement to provide "Logon as a batch job" rights for Domain Users group in K2 documentation about K2 Pass-Through Authentication documentation:

“Logon as a batch job” right set in the Local Security Policy of the K2 Server or Group Policy and is required for AD cached credentials to work for AD users. This is standard Windows functionality to provide secure control over the usage of cached credentials executed by a service as a batch job on behalf of a user which is being used by K2 service.

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