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We are looking for some kind of tool or at least a set of recommendations on how to monitor the health of our K2 platform, including both K2 Blackpearl and K2 Smartforms. Does anyone know if there is something out there, or has anyone built a tool or a set up a process for doing this?

SharePoint documentation toolkit is a kind of tool that you would like for your K2 installation as well. It gives you a clear overview if you are following best practices in several areas and also gives you the ability to compare settings on different dates so you can track changes.


If there are no tools, could anyone at least provide a set of best practices for managing and monitoring the health of our K2 environment?


Thanks in advance!

Hi Dino,


Here is a link to the blackpearl best practices documentation.


Hope that helps!



Hi Dino


Please have a look at this documentations regarding monitoring K2's health.

K2 Health Monitor Documentation


Kind Regards

