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Some K2 apps are not giving the below error message:

"The operation has timed out"

i also receive "The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID } and APPID" error appears


After double checking the K2 environment's hardware and software..we've noticed that major crashes happen after the k2 logfiles reach 1Gbytes in size. we changed the hostserverlogging.config to reach only to 5000 KB. this resolved the issue.


"The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID } and APPID" error appears when the programs on the machine require the computer to work hard althought there is plenty of space,Ram and processing power.
Unfortunately K2 doesn’t do automated cleanup of logfiles. those files are just text-files on the server, that should be ‘maintained’ by the administrator/OPS for that machine.

For removing old files you will need to step out of K2 and look to windows,Kindly see the below

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