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What are the steps to restore the k2 and k2log databases.


First, the K2 and K2Log databases should always be handled together for backups and restorations, since data is moved from the K2 database into the K2Log database as K2 processes and Activities are completed. Having unsynchronized K2/K2Log database backups/restores will cause significant issues due to inconsistent data and problems.

Beyond the synchronization of K2/K2Log databases, the only other issue to consider is whether the K2 License information (stored in the K2 database's _Server table) is still valid. If you had a server 'disaster' that required a rebuild of the machine or are restoring the database onto another platform (e.g. restoring PRD databases into a new QA environment), then the K2 System key will most likely change, requiring a new K2 License key to be generated (search the K2 KB's for 'License' to find relevent articles pertaining to K2 licensing).

Beyond that, just make sure that the user accounts used for the K2 service to authenticate with the K2/K2Log databases is valid (for either or both WIA or SQL Authentication). If you're changing authentication methods or accounts or the database names, you'll need to change your web.config settings in the K2 Workspace folder and possibly the WorkspaceService's web.config file (rarely, except for database name changes) to ensure the web app/services can connect properly.

If you are restoring over the existing databases, you just have to worry about the lost records.

These only consder core K2 functionality. If you are using K2 Archiving or other add-on features, it undoubtedly gets more complex due to data synchronization factors, etc.

Always remember: good install and configuration documentation and a solid Change Management process is your best friend when needing to plan and execute such changes! ;-)

