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 I am in the process of deploying K2 to a new environment and have nearly completed the entire process with the exception of a missing UI element in the central admin. Normally in central admin a tab appears after installing K2 labeled "K2 for SharePoint", however that is absent in this installation.

I have tried using stsadm to force reinstall and activate the K2AdminUILinks features, but that does not resolve the issue. I have double checked that the K2 service account is a farm admin. 

 So I am at a road block here. I cannot think of why this would happen, so I am at a loss for what to try next. Any ideas?




The K2AdminUILinks feature only adds the K2 Custom Action to the Site Actions menu of your sites... It doesn't deal with the Central Admin. In my opinion, this admin page is added when installing K2 on the MOSS WFE (K2 Components for MOSS).

Have you already tried to re-install K2 on the WFE?





Oh... thats good to know. I Just assumed it was the feature that added the UI elements to the central admin.


As for reinstalling, I have a couple of times. That doesn't seem to resolve this issue. The last time I re-configured K2 on the WFE I paid close attention to the log file and noticed this:


 Warning: K2 SharePoint Administration Resource file not installed. File could not be found or resource file already exists.
"421","2008-10-03 09:35:19","Info","15","15001","INFO","SourceCode.Moss.Configuration.Config","15001 Setting SharePoint Settings","anonymous","","ENVOY-MOSS-01","421","b741830ffa914912b490292688009ad7",""
"422","2008-10-03 09:35:19","Info","15","15001","INFO","SourceCode.Moss.Configuration.Config","15001 --------------------------------------------------------","anonymous","","ENVOY-MOSS-01","422","ff8de4f48f4e47ecb31f5afbba3409d8",""
"423","2008-10-03 09:35:19","Info","15","15001","INFO","SourceCode.Moss.Configuration.Config","15001 'w' 'http://ENVOY-K2:80/Workspace/Management/Default.aspx'","anonymous","","ENVOY-MOSS-01","423","d40f8a786b1d4252a2646430c86d1080",""
"424","2008-10-03 09:35:53","Info","15","15001","INFO","SourceCode.Moss.Configuration.Config","15001 System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.
   at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
   at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
   at SharePointSettings.Program.UpdateWorkSpaceURL(StringR] args)


The bolded text is of particular concern, as I do not think the WFE can access to K2 box via its machine name. I do know that no SPNs would be set up for that, just its domain name. I figured out that this domain name issue was caused by my K2 box not having a hosts header specified for the default website prior to me running the K2 configuration wizard on that machine.


After adding the hosts header to the K2 workspace website, I am re-running the configurations again. This time I noticed that the configuration wizard on the K2 box picked up the correct URL for the workspace... So perhaps that will resolve my issue.


I will keep you posted.


That seems to have resolved the issue. Once I added the host header to the K2 workspace and re-configured that, then re-configured the MOSS front end the "K2 for SharePoint" tab appears.

 This seems like an important step that is absent from the K2 installation guide, but apparently before installing the K2 workspace the hosts header in IIS needs to be configured. Otherwise the above problem happens.
