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Expression: (?<="FacilityId":")[dw-]+(?=",)

I also tried: (?<="FacilityId":")((^"]*)(?=")

Input: {"FacilityId":1,"PatientId":2323,"FirstName":"TEST"

Result: No matches

I'm trying to parse some returned JSON but I'm having a hard time doing so. I need an expression that will return the value of 1 from FacilityId, or value 2323 from PatientId. 

I looked at some other posts in the Nintex forums and thought I was getting somewhere but I can't seem to get it 100%. Can someone help me clear this up?

It would help to know a little more about your data, but I did come up with something that may work for you.

I've never liked lookahead or lookbehind regex. I read that it should work in the RegEx action, but it definitely doesn't work JavaScript. 

Maybe try this:


Here's the RegexTester link to show how it works: Parse JSON - Regex Tester/Debugger 

As long as the values you're trying to return are always numbers, this should work. If they can be longer than four digits, you can increase the {0,4} to whatever you need.

You could also use the patterns below with the RegEx action.


You would need one Regular Expression action for each pattern above.  Each result would need to be stored in a collection variable, then retrieved using a Collection Operation action and stored in a workflow variable.

Just to answer my own question here:


Yea, I found out the collection bit the other day. A little odd that it won't let you return the item to a single variable.
