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First, let me describe the problem. I need to be able to change the destination user to another specified user for every worklist item that exists that they are assigned to. So here is my issue.

Here's how I go about retrieving all the WorkListItems that the User is a part of. I have a job running that iterates through every folder, then every process in that folder, then every instance of that process, and then every activity of that instance, and lastly, every worklistitem for that activity (and I pass in the UserName) To accomplish Retrieving the worklist items I am using K2Mng.GetWorkListItems. Obviously, I am using the K2Mng.dll for this.

Up to this point, the job is working fine. The data gets retrieved as it should, etc. So now I have all the worklistitems that are associated with a specific user. Then to change this destination user to a new user I say for each worklistitem, worklistItem.Destination = newUserName. This is not working though. I was just wondering if there is another way to change the destination user or if there is an update function that I don't know about. Also, when I look at the Destination property in the WorkListItem class, I see that it is an object type. Could this be an issue?

Also, the reason I'm not using the other dlls is because this job is not running within a certain K2 context. It runs indepedently under a user that is an administrator on the box and also has full priveleges in K2, so please keep that in mind.

Any and all replies are welcome. Thanks for the help in advance.

Nevermind guys. Sorry for wasting your time, but figured it out literally 2 seconds after I posted that. In case you were wondering, instead of setting the WorkListItem.Destination property, you only need to call a K2Mng.RedirectWorklistItem(item.ID, newUserName)


