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Hi I'm trying to get the ID of a control (list lookup) in a repeating section. It fires onclick, but I seem to have the syntax wrong because it can't seem to find the ID. I just get "undefined".

Here is what I tried to get me the ID but no luck:

 var ddlA = NWF$(".rptEMS .nf-repeater-row:last .ddlEMSAccess select");

if you have correctly set up classes to single controls it should work.

can you post your configuration?

Syntax should be as : 

NWF$(".css-class-of-your-repeating-section .nf-repeater-row:last .css-class-of-your-dropdown-list select")

, do you mean there is a problem with ‌'s selector?

NWF$(".rptEMS                              .nf-repeater-row:last .ddlEMSAccess                    select");
NWF$(".css-class-of-your-repeating-section .nf-repeater-row:last .css-class-of-your-dropdown-list select");


could you be more specific?

as far as I can see his and yours selectors are just the same (apart of class names)...

I've tested it and it worked for me. as I said he just need to correctly setup classes to the controls.

Just shared the standard syntax to access controls inside a repeating section. As you suggestion is correct.
