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I am trying to update multi text box and do it fine with this code.

var txtArea = NWF$('#' + varSig).closest('tr').find('div[id$="_inplacerte"]');


The problem I am running into their is another multi text box that it is finding next to it and updating that one also with the same txt, txtBase.

You could set a css class to your multi text and refer it on your jquery.

I used this syntax

var txtAreaManager =NWF$('.cssManager');


It does write the text on the page but when I push save it doesn't save to the list.  It doesn't really look like it is in the object either it is weird because the text is writing outside of the object and not inside the multiline textbox.

try something like this

NWF$('#'+ mltb).closest('tr').find('div[id$="'+mltb+'_inplacerte"]').html("text box 1");

NWF$('#'+ mltb2).closest('tr').find('div[id$="'+mltb2+'_inplacerte"]').html("text box 2");

That totally worked thanks for your help Marian
