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When you Submit a form you may get an error that states "item SmartObject property ID is a required property for selected UpdateList. Value must be set.".


This error may happen when you either do not supply a valid value for the input for the method you are trying to execute.


Ensure that you are passing the correct values for the method, you can check what parameters are required by editing the SmartObject.

This error may also occur within the rule of a button when the input values on the control have been automapped. In this case please check you are inputting the correct values that are being passed by the controls as the automapping will typically map the actual control to the field, rather than the value inputted into the control.



I am getting the 'SmartObject property ID is a required property for selected method Load. Value must be set.' error message.


I have a form with two views which are sharing a smartbox object.  I want the first view to update details about a course change (entered by an instructor), and I then have a task sent to records mgmt to open the smartbox item and update some 'Office Use' fields on the same smartbox object.


I am getting the error after opening the task for review.


My workflow appears to work (in general), since I can still confirm or deny the request on the second view.


I cannot find where I need to update to pass the ID to the workflow to open the second view without getting this error.  Any help?


I will try and include screen shots.



I am getting the 'SmartObject property ID is a required property for selected method Load. Value must be set.' error message.


I have a form with two views which are sharing a smartbox object.  I want the first view to update details about a course change (entered by an instructor), and I then have a task sent to records mgmt to open the smartbox item and update some 'Office Use' fields on the same smartbox object.


I am getting the error after opening the task for review.


My workflow appears to work (in general), since I can still confirm or deny the request on the second view.


I cannot find where I need to update to pass the ID to the workflow to open the second view without getting this error.  Any help?


I will try and include screen shots.





Since that error is happening on Load, I bet we are not passing an ID value into the Load method. Load methods must have an ID to load in the particular record. Look at the When the View is Initializing rule and the When the View executes Load method to find the missing ID. 
